Pocket Full of Rocks
“I had always figured if, or when, I ever wrote a book, much of it would be focused on motherhood and the title would be “pocket full of rocks” because of the phenomenon of adorable small children and their well meaning collections of beautiful rocks and pebbles that were picked “just for you, mom.” Those adorable pebbles have filled cup holders in my car, vases on our bookshelves, and, of course, many of my pockets.”
Annie Musso
Our work
Breast Cancer Advocacy
In her own words:
“Since becoming Stage 4 I have told myself that I will do all things possible to heal (and I’m talking ALL OF THE THINGS…looking at you, moon water), but I’m going to need science to do some heavy lifting as well. There is a lot of research being done for cancer in its many stages and types, but often the focus is on the early stages. For breast cancer alone “only an estimated 2-5% of the funds raised for breast cancer research is spent on studies of metastasis.”1 Yes, read that again. Add to that being in a small, aggressive subtype of breast cancer (triple negative) and it can be even less. That’s why clinical trial participation and reporting is so important and why I’m happy that this can be my part-time job right now.”
From Cancer on Trial by Annie Musso and Cindy Eastman
Environmental Responsibility
From a personal letter:
“In my life, environmental causes are of the utmost importance. I sit on the Woodbury Conservation Commission and volunteer with the Steering Committee for Woodbury’s Earth Day Celebration and serve on the Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition Board of Directors. When I worked in an architectural firm in New York my interest in the environment led to a LEED Certification, working on sustainability.
I [understand] the work that organizations and individuals are doing to help combat climate change can give you hope. Supporting these individuals, funding their projects and boosting their resources, can change that hope into action. I believe I can make that happen.”
She can—with your donation, Pocket Full of Rocks Inc joins a growing community of Stripe users committed to carbon removal and scaling technologies to combat climate change.
When Annie was in college, she seized upon the quote, “Be The Change You Wish To See In The World.” And that directed nearly every action and decision since. She had always been a kind person, but then the “Be Kind” trend began a few years ago and that dovetailed perfectly with what she was already bringing to the world–a passion to be present in the world as a giving and responsible citizen. She lived in kindness and justice everyday and the projects we will develop and fund will be demonstrate Annie’s dedication to others.
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Your contribution is appreciated. Use the Donate button below or mail to Pocket Full of Rocks PO Box 186 Watertown, CT 06795
Please note: We are officially listed with the State of Connecticut and awaiting on IRS recognition of our 501c3 status as tax-exempt, so donations are not tax-deductible. However, when the IRS does grant recognition, deductions will be deductible retroactive to the date the organization was incorporated.